Viking Jewellry: Bracelets
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Here, I put together a little collection of different brooches, all of the designs are based on archeological finds from Scandinavia, dated back to 10th / 11th century.


Note: All prices are subject to change and will be confirmed at the time of an order/enquiry.



Viking Jewellry: BroochesGRIPPING BEAST BROOCH
Round Norwegian gripping beast style silver brooch, based on a find. It can also be worn as a pendant; it has a solid loop at the back, above the pin. Diameter: 5cm (2 inch).
Price: £ 28 (bronze) Cat. no BRB003
Price: £ 60 (silver) Cat. no BRS001

Viking Jewellry: BroochesSWEDISH STYLE BROOCH
Swedish style brooch. Copy of an archaeological find from the late 10th century.
Price: £ 28(bronze) Cat. no BRB006
Price: £ 70 (silver) Cat. no BRS003

Viking Jewellry: BroochesBORRA STYLE BROOCH
Round brooch, Borra style. Based on a 10th / 11th archaeological find from Norway. Only in silver. Can also be worn as a pendant; it has a solid loop at the back, above the pin. Diameter: 5.5cm.
Price: £ 28 (bronze) Cat. no BRB005
Price: £ 60 (silver) Cat. no BRS002

Viking Jewellry: BroochesDRAGON BROOCH
Dragon brooch, a copy of an archaeological find from Sweden. 10th century.
Price: £ 33 (bronze) Cat. no BRB001
Price: £ 60 (silver) Cat. no BRS004