Viking Jewellry: Rings
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Some of the rings are adjustable, in that they are split at the back. If you send your ring size, they can be adjusted to fit. Rings are usualy only available in silver but it is

possible to produce some pieces in bronze or gold by arrangement.


Note: All prices are subject to change and will be confirmed at the time of an order/enquiry.



Viking Jewellry: Rings STRENGTH
Own design, silver ring. The runes read ' STRENGTH '. It's got a split so it can be adjusted to fit almost any size, except very small and very large. It's a very good quality, heavy ring.
Price: £ 55 (silver) Cat. no RSR001
Price: £ 23 (bronze) Cat. no RSR007

Viking Jewellry: Rings PROTECT
Own design, very heavy silver band ring. The runes read ' GIVE LUCK, PROTECT '. It has a split so it can be adjusted to fit almost any size except very small and very large. Very good quality.
Price: £ 60 (silver) Cat. no RSR002
Price : £ 23 (bronze) Cat. no RSR008

Viking Jewellry: Rings JELLING
Jelling style ring, own design with the split. Only in silver. Adjustable size.
Only in silver.
Price: £ 55 (silver) Cat. no RSR003

Viking Jewellry: RingsDANISH
Pre-Viking, Danish, 6th century ring based on a find.
Only in silver.
Size: Large
Price: £ 46 Cat. no RSR004

Viking Jewellry: Rings GOOD LUCK
Warrior 'Good luck' ring, with an inscription translating to Old Norse. Adjustable size.
Only in silver.
Price: £ 39 Cat. no RSR005


Viking Jewellry: Rings SCANDINAVIA
Ring based on an archaeological find from Scandinavia but originally it was a bracelet.
Size: small, medium or large.
Price: £ 36 (silver) Cat. no RSR006
Price: £ 23 (bronze) Cat. no RSR010

Viking Jewellry: Rings SCANDINAVIA
A copy of a Viking ring, 9th century, Scandinavia. Adjustable size.
Only in silver.
Price: £36 Cat. no RSR008


British Museum, England 9th Century
Price: £ 46 (silver) Cat. no RSR011
Price: £ 23 (bronze) RSR012